The final day of Fan Fusion was a blast. I had so much fun! This whole event was a major boost to my self esteem and confidence in my art. So many customers stopped by just to ask my technique or compliment my style. It was amazing!
By far, Bakugou, Asui, and Denki did the best. I sold 22 copies of Bakugou alone! Good thing I like making My Hero Art! :D The 5x7 prints made up nearly 90% of our sales, and close to 70% of our total profit. Multiple people have asked why I didn't have an Aizawa, Stain, Deku, or Todoroki. Here is the simple answer: I should have. Lesson learned! I will definitely bring them to the next show. Many people complimented or commented on Trevor Belmont, Vol'Jin, and Joker, but we didn't sell many of them (just one or two of each). I ended up taking most of the Rick & Morty prints and paintings off of the display, as I felt like they actually repelled customers. They would turn the card display, and when they reached the side with Meeseeks and Butter Robot, they would walk away. My suspicion was confirmed when customers started staying longer and looking at more prints. We didn't sell a single R&M print (I have 5 different ones) the entirety of the show. ***Side note: I love Rick and Morty, and this made me really sad. I hate that the fan base tends to be so toxic and awful. We tried displaying the paintings both with prices, and without (after a tip from another artist at the convention.) Having the prices up seemed to fair much better for the canvases, as I believe customers took the lack of prices to mean that they were too expensive. We've all heard "If you have to ask, you can't afford it," right? I put the prices back up halfway through the day, and people started asking about the paintings again. All in all, we sold 4 canvases, making up about 25% of our total profit. Those four canvases nearly covered the booth cost, so selling even a few of them helps greatly. I had a wonderful time this past weekend! I've never had so much fun working in my life. This has opened up a bunch of new doors for me and I'm super excited to see what's behind them. Thank you to everyone who visited and said hi! And thank you to all the people that supported the booth and made our weekend so successful. You've helped to make a dream of mine come true. I couldn't begin to tell you what this means to me. Love you and DFTBA, TK
Saturday! The big day! It was SOOO busy in and around the convention center. It was nearly impossible to get lunch anywhere. We mostly stuck to the booth, knowing that if we left to go upstairs, we wouldn't be able to make it back quickly. Artist Alley was busy, but was mostly crowded with people just looking at artwork. We did really well with the 5x7 print sizes, but we didn't sell any canvases today, and the bigger prints weren't as popular. It was exciting, and customers came and went in spurts, with people buying small prints of their favorite characters. Bakugou, Asui, and Denki stole the show, and we easily doubled what we had sold of them over the previous 2 days. My sister-in-law's family visited, and showed up to support the booth, which was awesome and heartwarming. And I've had multiple friends and family members show up to congratulate and support me, one group of them even bringing others over to buy pictures and bookmarks. We had a young girl come up, remove the prints from the stand, and start taking individual pictures of them. I think she took about 5 before I caught her. She ran off before I could ask her to delete them. It made me rethink adding a "No pictures, please" sign. I don't know if that would help, though. All in all, today was an amazing day, and strengthened my love of doing conventions. It was long and exhausting, but worth it. :) Thanks again, for all the kindness. -TK Day Two is now complete and I've been having a blast! I meant to post an update yesterday, but we didn't get home until midnight and then I spent the next two hours reprinting prints we had run out of!
I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about having a booth. Part of me expected to sit there all day, lonely and with no one purchasing anything. Both to my surprise, and to my great delight, we've been fairly busy! After two days, we've made back the booth cost! I can't possibly tell you how much this means to me (though, monetarily, it means just over $400 haha). The first canvas I sold was Dipper and Mabel. The young boy who's father purchased Dipper and Mabel made my day. The little boy turned the corner to our booth and FROZE when he saw the canvas. His dad tried to convince him that it was only Thursday, and that they had the rest of the convention to purchase things, and that he would be spending all of his money on one thing, but he just wanted that painting. It was so sweet, and it really REALLY meant a lot to me when he said that was the only thing he wanted. He told me he was going to hang it in his room! So, thank you, little dude, for loving my painting. And thank you, little dude's father, for seeing the value in my painting. You guys made my day. <3 Thank you for all the love and support! Hope to see you at the convention! -TK
Second, in the past two or so weeks, I've completed paintings of: Tokoyami, Kirishima, Luffy, Nami, Saitama, Genos, Ban, Totoro, and Sebastion, with a Yato and Lucina near completion. Typing it out feels great, haha. I've been working really hard to make sure I've got plenty of product to bring to the convention. Third, I've entered two paintings into a contest at the Found:RE Hotel during Fan Fusion! One is a large blue abstract painting with lots of lines and circles I've lovingly titled "F*ck Retail (Jobs)". And the other is a series of bare trees against a blue and white speckled background. Wish me lots of luck! The winner gets their art projected onto the side of the hotel! :D Love you! And thank you for all the wonderful support! Only 2 days to go!! -TK It's been a pretty crazy couple of weeks! I'm a little behind on everything I had wanted to have done for PFF, but I'm catching up quickly.
I was sick all of last week, which put a little bit of a kink in my plans, but this week, I've accomplished a bunch! We're getting the display organized, so we know what's going to go on it when we get there. I learned a lot about load-in from some excellent and amazingly helpful members of the Blue Ribbon Army. I finished a birthday gift for a friend of mine that I'm super excited about. I made and cut what feels like a thousand bookmarks (my printer has been working overtime printing pictures). I've been working on planning my DnD campaign for our session on Saturday (!). And today, I finished 2 more paintings and started 3 more! All told, I'm hoping to have about 30 original canvases available at the booth along with prints and bookmarks! I've still got a lot of work ahead of me, and with con only being two weeks away (AH!), it's going to be a challenge. But, I'm up for it! Wish me luck!! -TK |
AuthorHey, I'm TK. I am an artist and I run this website! This is my blog where I talk about life and things I made or stuff I did. Archives
April 2022
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